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5 Things to Consider Before Moving to Mobile

Districts across the country are making the decision to become more mobile within the campus and learning environments. Here is a list of five things you should consider before filling out the PO.

We know that computer labs are not as plentiful as they used to be, and flexible learning spaces are more engaging spaces for our students to learn. But how do we make sure the mobile devices we choose will impact learning? Here are five things to think about in your mobile transition.

1. Consider appropriate technology to meet students' needs

Many school systems purchase devices based on price and availability rather than what works best for the student. Instead, think about the student's perspective before placing an order. Is the device manageable for the student? Does it have the resources the student needs for daily learning? If the student will be using the device to write papers, for instance, then a laptop would work better than a tablet. Choose the device that matches student needs for learning.

2. Consider the network that supports the device

Many institutions are still in the process of upgrading wireless networks to support multiple network devices. Make sure your network is ready for mobile and that there are enough access points to support the transition — not only for the devices you will be purchasing, but also for existing school devices and ones that faculty, students and visitors bring to campus.

3. Consider an app review process

Moving to mobile doesn't just make the hardware more accessible, it also creates more flexibility in software and applications. Make sure you have a clearly communicated process for selecting and procuring applications. Buy licenses with bulk pricing to get the most for your money, and be sure you know where each app collects and stores data to make sure that data is protected.

4. Consider a mobile device management solution

Mobile devices allow for more flexibility in both the learning environment and the variety of available applications. However, managing apps on the devices can become an overwhelming task that can suddenly impact usage. Identifying and implementing a mobile device management solution can lead to increased efficiency in managing hardware and software, thus providing more of an opportunity for devices to be in the hands of students.

5. Consider professional development first

Teachers may be familiar with mobile devices and comfortable with instructional apps, but professional development is still necessary to help teachers have all of the information they need to develop expertise in teaching with this technology. Facilitating instruction with mobile devices can be highly engaging for students, but the teacher must be well equipped with classroom management and instructional strategies intended to yield results.

Although these items are in no particular order, I would highly recommend that you make sure you attend to each of them prior to selecting and procuring specific devices. Be open to including people from the curriculum department in the decision-making process, and be sure to develop a holistic plan for implementation that includes selection, procurement, deployment and professional development. After developing a plan that incorporates your consideration of these items, you're ready to rethink education on your campus!